Zellis Group Human Rights Statement – 2023
Zellis Group’s Human Rights Statement
At Zellis Group, we believe it’s our responsibility to make a positive difference to our colleagues, customers, and the communities we operate in.
We believe upholding human rights is fundamental to our purpose to Power exceptional employee experiences so you and your people do better.
As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, Zellis Group is committed to protecting and preserving human rights in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its related treaties and declarations, and the broader ethical reasoning behind their development.
Our approach to respecting and upholding human rights is informed by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which, among other things, state that businesses have a responsibility to:
- Avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through their own activities and address such impacts when they occur.
Seek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to their operations, products or services by their business relationships, even if they have not contributed to those impacts.
Our colleagues
We are committed to upholding the human rights of Zellis Group colleagues. Specifically, we strive to respect the following human rights, in accordance with our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion policy, in our work environment:
- Health and safety — the right of all people to enjoy a physically and psychologically safe work environment.
- Labour rights — the right of all people to just and favourable terms of employment.
- Diversity, equity, and inclusiveness — the right of all people to be respected and valued for their differences, with equitable opportunities and outcomes, in an inclusive environment where all can thrive.
Our objective is to enhance the awareness and consideration of human rights across Zellis Group in the interests of all colleagues, and those with whom they interact.
Our customers
Decent work is essential for inclusive and sustainable livelihoods, and is foundational to a life of dignity. We strive to ensure that every person who makes uses of our products and services is treated with respect and dignity, throughout our Sustainable Procurement Practices and Policy. Zellis Group expects its suppliers to comply fully with all employment laws, share its commitment to respect all human rights and to provide equal opportunity in the workplace, and take effective measures to remedy any adverse human rights impacts.
Our communities
Whether we reach communities through our operations or supply chain, or through applications of our technology and/or services, we consider our potential and actual human rights impacts on the communities we reach in our due diligence processes.
In addition to avoiding and mitigating potential harm, we seek to proactively support and promote human rights for the wider benefit of the communities in which we operate.
Governance and monitoring
Ultimate responsibility for this statement sits with the Zellis Group Executive Team which brings together Zellis Group businesses, functions, and geographies, and its subcommittee, the ESG SteerCo. The Zellis Executive Team and ESG SteerCo regularly update and monitor our commitment to acknowledge and uphold human rights.